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Privacy Policy


AGENCIA MARITIMA IBERNOR S.L. is the RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DATA PROCESSING as established at the (EU) REGULATION 2016/2017 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and its application as legitimation basis for the personal data processing.

I, the undersigned give my specific consent to AGENCIA MARÍTIMA IBERNOR, S.L., seafarer recruitment and placement agency to gather and process my personal data with special reference to medical recognition required by current regulations for the provision of services in the sea sector, alcohol and drug test, certificate of criminal background where appropriate for obtaining professional documentation and visas and about my personal circumstances for the correct assurance and determination of my beneficiaries.

I have been fully informed of the following circumstances: 

Purpose of the processing of my personal data:

1.The proper management of human resources which includes the selection, and management of the training and documentation required for boarding.

2. Intermediation at the national and international labor market.

3. The compliance with national and international regulations with special reference to the STCW Conventions and Maritime Labour Convention for the collecting and recording of titles and certificates.

The time for preserving the personal data:

*As necessary to comply with the purpose for which the data was requested, and for defense against possible claims arising from that purpose and data processing.

*Based on compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention and the applicant’s legitimate interest, he/she is informed that the data will be kept for a term of more than one year, without prejudice of the person concerned exercising the rights that protect him/her with regard to that data.

Effects of refusal to the processing of my personal data

I have been informed that the consequence if I refuse to the processing of my personal data will be the impossibility for the selection and intermediation in the labor market in relation to my labor and professional services.

Possible recipients of the data: My personal data could be provided to:

*Competent Administrations and Organisms in execution of legal obligations.

* IBERNOR's clients at the labor intermediation activity in the national and international market including ship owners, managers, manning, crew managers, charterers and shipyards.

*Insurance brokers, insurance companies and Protection and Indemnity Clubs in order to hire insurance in my favor and in that of my beneficiaries

 *Travel agencies, airlines and port agents for my transfer to the vessel.

Data transfer:

I have been informed that my personal data may be transferred to IBERNOR clients in States not being part of the European Union where the level of protection and guarantees might not be equivalent to those of the European Union. The purpose of this transfer is my legitimate interest as maritime professional and I give my consent for that transfer to be made and its purpose. I give my consent to cover the data that comprise my curriculum as well as my titles and professional certificates, the medical examination necessary for the provision of services at sea and, where appropriate, the criminal record certificate.

Esta  transferencia  tiene  su  fundamento  en  mi  interés  legítimo  de  acceso  al  mercado  laboral

internacional marítimo y doy mi consentimiento para que abarque los datos que comprenden mi currículo así como mis títulos y certificados profesionales, el reconocimiento médico necesario para la prestación de servicios en la mar y, en su caso, el certificado de antecedentes penales.

Rights against the responsible for the processing.

You are informed that you are entitled to:

*Exercising your rights to access, rectification, suppression of your data, limitation, opposition and, where appropriate portability, writing a letter to AGENCIA MARITIMA IBERNOR, S.L. Calle Bertendona 4- 5º planta de Bilbao (48008 Bizkaia) with the reference PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION or by writing with the same reference to the email address ibernor@ibernor.eu


*to withdraw the consent for the processing of the data at any time.

*to claim at the Spanish Data Protection Agency